Thursday, September 22, 2005

"Sorry to have not posted for so long"

I've noticed a disturbing trend on peoples websites or blogs, it's the "Sorry to have not updated my site in so long, but I'll get to it" language. The problem here is that these people actually think someone CARES whether they have been up to date on the website or blog they keep. So let me enlighten them, no one cares!!! The biggest problem with this statement is that it is a lie, we know the damn website or blog won't get updated because the statement was written in February of 2003 or something. Or it's a blog, and you can see that someone diligently made entries everyday, then the person starts apologizing for missing a few days (am I missing something? what rule states you MUST write something in your blog everyday?), the days turn into weeks, months, and now we see the last entry was a year ago. So I won't treat anyone to the same indignity, when I get tired of this shit I'll stop and I won't utter a word when I return about how "sorry" I am to have missed a week.

Oh, and sorry for not posting anything for a few days. Sike! (has that word left our common vernacular? It was VERY popular in my High School days, but it usually involved punching)

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