Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'm curious, as I'm sure most of you are NOT, whether Jonathon Brandmeier, also known as Johnny B and most recently heard out in LaLa land, will finally get his ass BACK to Chi-town. Rumor has it he will be on WLUP 97.9, the station from his heyday. That would be nice, I'm waiting for the eagle to land, but while you're waiting check out Johnny B's site, it has to suffice before he returns. Oh, and will Buzz dump the fat whale and return to Johnny's show?


Anonymous said...

Chicago radio NEEDS Johnny B back, and at this point I don't care if it's on WCKG-WLUP or Q101 Chicago radio is stinking up the airwaves and it needs refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Steve Duhl sucks!!!!!!!! Go JB!

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Just tired of all this bullshit and anticipation, then watching the talent leave Chicago to make great radio in smaller markets. Its like Chicago is used as leverage to land a job with less pressure but more responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to Kevin Mathews leaving for the radio wasteland otherwise known as Grand Rapids, MI? JB will be on the LOOP by the end of next month, of this I am certain.

Anonymous said...

And just how are you CERTAIN Otis?