Boy I just keep getting slapped around politically. It started with Bush winning in 2000, it continued with Bush repeating in 2004, and now we have the Duck winning in Poland in 2005. The Duck of course is a Kaczynski brother, don't ask me which one, I could care less, both are about as intellectually stimulating as our very own Dubya. In fact the Kaczynski clones are Dubya-type Poles, religious conservatives who don't understand sound economic principles.
I warned everyone about Bush in 1999, but I'm telling you VERY few people really thought he would be as reckless and corrupt as he is. I knew he would be, but of course everyone thought I was overreacting, the most annoying argument was that of Nader voters who claimed Gore and Bush were basically the same thing. Told you so! But I digress, with the Duck as President of Poland I don't have the same dread, it is a representative role after all, and most of my dread came when PiS won the parliamentary elections. This is more disappointment at my fellow countrymen, who once again are getting hoodwinked by religion posing in politics.
As for that representative role, it's a little to bad that the Duck resembles a troll, but I guess Poles wanted an ugly leader after having the good looks of Kwasniewski for so long. The bright side of all this is that the other Duck clone probably won't become the premier, it would be a little confusing for people like me. Yet you never know.
Yet you never know
They might do anything. I don't trust anyone who stole the moon.
Unfortunately the role of the Polish president is that he dictates foreign policy and is the commander in chief.
But, on the bright side, you're not going to war and foreign policy gets more and more intertwined with the EU....
Thank God for that.
You're both bringing me down here, I need a damn bright spot to cling to!
what poland needs is a war! teach belorus a thing or two. just kidding.
no, you are right. you guys took a bite of an old sandwich that looked new. Good luck.
Your comparison to Bush is spot on. I tried to explain my misgivings about Prez Duck and could only come up with a Bush comparison to get my point across. It's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride in the next few years. Help!
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