If you can impeach a president for lying about sexual indiscretions, then you would think that impeaching a president for lying about the reasons for going to war would surely fit the bill. The only question is: does the American populace feel the same way? The answer appears to be a weak yes (which is better then a sharp stick in the eye). As Rawstory.com is reporting, Zogby International has found that 51% of Americans believe Bush should have impeachment proceedings started if he lied about the reason for going to war with Iraq. Zogby International was the most accurate polling company during the presidential elections of 2000, but famously innacurately predicted a Kerry victory on the basis of early polling results during the 2004 presidential election. Zogby is currently the only polling company asking any questions about a possible Bush impeachment, but other polling companies will certainly pick up the slack, and we can be sure to see similair questions asked by Reuters and the AP in the near future.
But if Bush hadn't lied about the reasons for going to war, then Saddam would still be in power wouldn't he??? (increase shrillness here) WOULDN'T HE????
Honestly, I think he could have had his war without lying about it.
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